
How intertwined, how seperate…. One of the most common phrases I've heard is "You are your brand" and I agree, but there's also an element of anonymity and privacy that I want. So far, on social media I have intentionally tried to keep my business page separate to me personally as it’s intended to be … Continue reading DSY & DSY’s

Small pause, big gratitude.

I woke up this morning, took and deep breath out, and shed a few tears… A short moment of gratitude and to tell myself how proud I am of me. Something I don’t do often at all. It’s not either of the children’s first day at school today however it is the first day of … Continue reading Small pause, big gratitude.

Mental health/illness and the Black community.

So.. I have just spent the last few hours writing a personal statement for a job application (Something I feel I'm actually getting better at) to find that I missed the deadline by an hour. 😦 I was impressed with some of what I wrote though - not often, lol - so thought I'd share … Continue reading Mental health/illness and the Black community.

Chapter Narj. (Exerpt)

In the midst of grieving, you were my ray of sunshine. Then in the midst of that you said you wanted to be mines.I was so sad, I felt like a fish out of water, I felt I couldn't make a decision right then.Although I was scared, I made those decisions for you.I didn't want … Continue reading Chapter Narj. (Exerpt)