It’s been a while…

I’ve dropped off haven’t I? I knew this vulnerability thing would be a challenge when I started this to be honest! It’s just like, there’s so much to write, where do I start? I have so much put down, but how much information is too much information? Really starting to contemplate how realistic I was being when I decided I wanted to do a biography! Anyhoo… to ease myself back in…

It’s that time of year again, (well it’s been that time since approximately the 15th September, cause after that the countdown begins! I’m the 2nd oldest in my circle you see…) MY new year is fast approaching, it’s that time of reflection, overthinking re-evaluating. Like what have I achieved over the year? Who are the people in my life? What still needs to be done?

*Promote, Demote or Dismiss as applicable, mentality*

Did I mention that I went back to complete my degree 5 years later? 2:1 yeah! I’m still working on it, but I’ve said ‘I love you’ a few times this year, yeah!

It was also a special year, because my eldest turned 10! This means I’ve reached my *mother for a decade* milestone (lol), and it was special, emotional and humbling. Being a mother for me is one of the greatest privileges the most high could have ever blessed me with. A journey I know will never end until my body is dust, because with every stage comes a new lesson. Again another opportunity for me to really look around me, observe and reflect. Believe it or not making friends, doesn’t come easy to me, I’m naïve and trusting, then mix that with a little paranoia from past experiences, it takes a lot for me to fully endorse new people.

We (me and my minis), have some truly special people our lives and I just want to make it clear that we see you, we know you, we appreciate you and most importantly WE LOVE YOU! I know I don’t say it often (Yu know how di ting set already, lol). I may not see you all the time but when we need you, you are there. a proper little team. The FAMILY we have chosen for ourselves! I’m tempted to name, but again unnu know how di ting set!

Still got some things to work on, goals to achieve, and things and people to let go of, but I’m on track and that’s the most important thing, see my control freak nature is improving too….

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